How to Promote Spiritual Life Through Mathematics Teaching
By Totok Prasetyono
Al Qur’an suggest Muslem to so that claim science. This matter is proven by the primeval sentence descend which deal with science, that is Holy of Letter Al ' Alaq article 1 up to 5, containing about command read to be we know the something that we do not known. Allah also will heighten degree of religious people and scientist.
Spiritual life can be promoted by mathematics teaching, with way as follow
1. Writing the sentence of Al Holy, Al Hadist, or words of Islam in the book of Mathematics as
according to items of mathematics Iesson to be learned, like at book of Mathematika
Madrasah Tsanawiyah of Class VII (Book of 1 and 2) year of 2004 , Kanwil Depag of Central
Java Province.
2. Making object or place of religious service as study media, for example:
a. The cube model: ka'bah.
b. The tube model: bedug, kentongan.
c. Comparison / scale: Map migrate / the struggle of Prophet of Muhammad SAW.
3. Giving moral message in each mathematics teaching, for example:
a. About group discussion ( Az Zanuji in Muta'alim)" Discuse one hour better from at
repeating Lesson of during one year"
b. About scientist (Holy of Letter of Al Mujaadalah: 11 "…. Allah heighten people who believe
of among you and people who given by the science of some degree……".
c. In every final of Iessons, follow the example of:
1) The Set Items: (Az Zanuji-in The Ta'limul Muta'allim) " You don't ask about
somebody person. just Asking whose is friend associate with him".
2) Social of Aritmatics Items: ( Az Zanuji-in Ta'limul Muta'allim) “Will can’t science
without six matter, intellegence, starve of science, calmly, adequate expense, guide of
the teacher, and time answering the demand”.